Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I am so frustrated with my body.  If it's not one thing it's another.  Or both.  Or many things.  I thought my headache went away earlier today, but no, it came back in full force.  Excedrin didn't help and the oxy that I still have from my surgery didn't work after the surgery so I doubt it would work on a migraine. 

I have an idea of what's causing the migraines lately, the double dose of progesterone.  Depo shot and IUD make for a lot of progesterone.  In theory, this is supposed to stop my constant period, but is it worth the expense of a constant headache?  Will I eventually get used to it?  How am I supposed to work out with a constant migraine?  Should I just bite the bullet and get the hysterectomy?  

Let me tell you, Tuesday I was pulling out from in front of the house and these kids were walking behind me while I'm pulling out.  And one is mindlessly drawing on the pavement behind my car as I'm trying to back up.  These kids are probably about 8 to 12.  They CLEARLY shod know better.  If I had ever done that when I was little my mom would have had my butt.  But kids these days feel so entitled to everything.  To say what they want, to walk where they want.  They don't have to pay attention because they are the child and we (strangers) have to be responsible for THEIR actions.  It really enforced my not want for children and made me think that maybe a hysterectomy is a blessing for me.  I will be the best aunt and "aunt" to my sisters kid(s) and my friends kids and I will spoil them rotten(but still hold them up to common decency and common sense standards).  I will not allow them to act a fool like a lot of parents allow their kids to do nowadays.  Not acceptable.  

Anyway, I have a post op scheduled for next Tuesday, I will ask my doc all these questions.  For now, I have taken many meds and need to try to go to sleep to make this migraine go away.  Good night all.  Wish me luck. 

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