Sunday, November 10, 2013


Today I'm driving home from a baby shower and I'm not starving, not even hungry but I am sad and throwing myself a bit of a pitty party.  I'm passing junk food place 1, 2, 3 and I am so tempted.  I'm looking for that (at the split second while I'm eating it gratification) but I know better.  I know that after I have it I will feel guilty and bad and in the long run it's not worth it.  Especially since I have dinner in the crockpot!  Some pork and potatoes.  So I drive past all those fast food places and go to Wal-Mart.  I stock up on veggies and good stuff!  And then I happily drive home to my amazing dinner.  :) 

Pretty proud of myself.  It's a small step but not giving into my pitty party feels pretty awesome.  :) 

Just a shorty today but I will keep you updated on Tuesday for my weigh in.  :)

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