Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, Weigh In Day - Dun, Dun, Dun!!!

I went into my weight watchers meeting yesterday and I was fully expecting a gain.  When I was in the shower that morning I had felt "thinner", but clearly I was a bit off.  I wore my lightest outfit and weighed in 0.4 pounds up.  All things considered (surgery and no major movement for about a week) I was OK with that gain.  

My plan was to workout this morning however I woke up with a headache, so I will be going to the gym after work still as my headache has subsided a bit.  And hopefully tomorrow I will wake up with out a headache and be able to kick booty in the morning as well.  I really need to get on it.  My sisters wedding is less then 6 months away and I need to keep my promise to her.  I need to be thinner.  The dress she wants us to wear will not allow for me to be a big girl as I am now.  It will not look right.  I would be too embarrassed to show my face as a big girl in that dress.

So excited though to lose the tummy and back fat and arm and leg fat.  Can't wait to be a hottie.   :)

I will of course keep you updated on my progress.  I'm hoping next Tuesdays weigh in I will be 5 lbs less!  Shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars right?!

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