Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Long Day

When it comes down to it I realize that I got up at 7ish and now it's only a little after 11, but with still not being 100% and popping DayQuil today at work like that was my job. It made for a bit of rough day back. 

Work was a little all over the place, slow and fast and then slow again.  Got a nice surprise though, it's employee appreciation week at my job and we each got two AMC tickets and two popcorn balls and a pair of sunglasses.  The sunglasses are not the coolest thing but for a free pair and if I'm in need they will do just fine.  I devoured the popcorn balls, delish. And am looking forward to using the tickets.  Hmmmmm, who to take?  :)  Other then the popcorn balls and the mini pretzel bags I did pretty dang good today.  I was tired (still sick and all) and I have to admit I had a hard time not over indulging in the calories. 

No gym sadly.  I had to make a stop at my sisters house and I don't think she would have appreciated me stopping by around 9:30 or 10, especially since she's fighting off a cold as well.  Now I love my sister, we are actually very tight, but I am worried about her.  Her wedding as I mentioned before, is in May.  She keeps trying these quick weightloss tricks and then she gives up on it.  It's such a yoyo effect on her that I'm worried she won't fit into her dress that she bought in the size she wants to be for the wedding, and more importantly that she is harming her body.  She is taller then I am and weighs about 10 lbs less but she is still far from being at a healthy weight.  She was never like this is the problem and when her thyroid, like mine went wacko it has made it hard for her to lose weight. I tried to talk to her but she didn't take me seriously and just laughed it off.  I don't know what to do.  

After my sisters I stopped by my friends house to drop off a DVD and went home.  I wasn't going to cook, I was going to just go to bed but I remembered that I don't have anything for lunch tomorrow.  So I cooked up some amazingness for dinner and leftovers for lunch.  Yummy!

OHHHHH, I can't believe I almost forgot! I am sad to report I gained 1.8 lbs.  Boooooo!  I am not a happy camper.  I in all honesty was almost expecting for it to be worse, however that still doesn't make it ok.  Back to the gym tomorrow!  Woot!  Well I guess that's it for today, good night all!

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