Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Boo Boo to Sickiness

The last week or so I haven't been feeling well.  I think this may be in part why I have been so tired, my body was trying to kick this thing and finally it couldn't. 

Thank goodness I had arranged to have Saturday and Sunday off for my friends dirty 30 birthday.  We kept it pretty low key, went out to dinner and had vodka soaked gummy bears and jello shots and played board games.  A great night but Sunday I woke up with a swollen uvula to the point of gagging on it.  Thank goodness for Dayquil.  I took some and the swelling went down.  When I got home I slept and then I slept some more and oh yeah today I slept some more.  I feel so much better today though.  I woke up without a swollen uvula and my fever was down.  Now of course I can't really sleep but I will attempt to in a moment. 

Sadly this does mean that I am expecting a bad weigh in tomorrow.  Most people lose weight when they are sick because they have a hard time eating, yeeeeeaaaahhh that's not me.  Because I'm at home I tend to eat more and with not moving much I haven't worked it off.  Even my ActiveLink is saying 0 points burned.  Makes me sad.  Oh well. 

Friday I am going shopping with a friend for new running and or training shoes.  I'm honestly not sure which ones I need.  From the research I've done it seems like the more appropriate shoes would be cross trainers.  My friend loves to run so I know she will help guide me in the right direction.  We will hit up maybe Famous Footwear, Sports Authority and Big 5 Sporting Goods.  She is a fan of Asics and I have heard great things about them.  I tried to read reviews for this years shoes online but every article had a different shoe as their favorite.  I don't think any of them take all the shoes and test them, they probably just test a few and that makes things a little inconsistent.  I think the key is to try them on and see how they feel.  It can make it a little expensive, if the ones you choose don't work out, however this is why I'm taking my friend.  :)

Alright, now that it's 1 am I think I should attempt this thing called sleep again.  No other way to get better then to let your body rest and do it's recovery thing.

Good night all.  I will keep you updated on my weigh in tomorrow.  Good or bad, you know I won't lie to you.  :)

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