Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dinner :)

After working out I was definitely not very hungry, sooooo tonight it's half of one of those small watermelons.  YUM!  Love, love, LOVE watermelon.  :)

P.S. - ended up eating half of a half!  Lol.  :)

Hello Tomorrow, Goodbye Yesterday

Today I was frustrated with work, but instead of falling into old habits and eating bad comfort food I went to the gym.  I did a mile in 11 minutes, and 1.36 miles in 15 minutes, given on the elliptical so I don't think it counts the same as a regular run mile, idk, but I think soon enough I will be able to hit the goals listed here. Time for change has arrived.  As the song goes, hello tomorrow, goodbye yesterday.  

Friday, August 30, 2013


A couple chicken legs, made via crockpot, some tiny cucumbers and an orange bell pepper!  Yum!  By the way this was my first attempt at chicken legs in the crockpot, it turned out pretty darn good!  Really though I think it's hard to screw anything up in a crockpot, so there ya go!  Lol!  :)

Butt Kicked

OWent to work and on the way home popped by the gym.  Butt kicking complete.  Felt sooooooo good!  I may be alone in this however I live the feeling of being tired and the sweat dripping down.  Makes me feel like I accomplished something a little extra.

I honestly didn't even realize how much I missed going to the gym until tonight when I made it back in and it felt so good.

I also noticed a significant improvement in my abilities.  Before, I'd do 10 minutes on the elliptical and is be pretty much done halfway through(sad, I know, but that's the truth).  Now 10 minutes and I'm done at 10 but halfway through I can keep going,   No problem.  :)

Also notice an improvement in my abs.  When I did a weighted crunch before I did 2 reps of 10 at 30 lbs, and really it was more like 4 reps of 5 because it hurt so bad.  Now I was able to do 4 reps of 10 with 30 lbs!  And while it wasn't easy peasy, I certainly didn't have to stop every 5!  Woot!  So excited!  Really making me feel like I can and will get in shape for the deputy sherif test and for my bday AND most importantly for my sisters wedding!  

Feeling buff and hot and like I can and will conquer the world!  Lol!  :)

P.S. - Let me add that while doing jury duty I am going to have to figure something out, this feeling is too awesome to not have it 5 days a week!  The gym is on my way home from work but very much out of my way when doing jury duty.  For those familiar with Washington state, I live in Graham (SE of Puyallup) and work in Redmond (super North), the gym is in Renton (half way between the two).  My friend lives now on my way from court heading home, AND she has an elliptical, a nice one, at her house, maybe I can convince her to let me come over and utilize it.  Hmmmmmmm..... Wheels in motion!  ;)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Pet Peeve of Mine...

This is a pet peeve of mine.  People, stars or friends telling you oh you only live once, eat that unhealthy, calorie packed, artery clogging thing and these are the people that are thin and don't have issues with stopping eating when needed.  

You're right I do only live once and I want to live healthy, I don't want to clog my arteries.  

Ok, off my soap box now.  :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to it...

Ok.  So last week and part of this week has been tough.  Last week, work was hard and it kinda kicked me down and around a bit.  Got discouraged and my will did not hold up well.  

This week due to having jury duty I weighed in Monday night instead of Tuesday in the morning.  I know that this is a flimsy excuse but due to the rough week and due to the changed weigh in time I GAINED 1.8 lbs.  I was extremely saddened and upset with myself.  I have a goal and I need to find a healthy way to deal with stress.  Food can't be my crutch.  A sweet treat is ok, but eating it to console your emotions is not a good way to deal with things. 

Now given I am technically still down from when I started but is that good enough?  Not to me.  This week has not started well either but I am going to improve it.  Court is Monday through Thursday and though I can guarantee that I will not be working out those days I can at the very least guarantee Friday and Saturday during this period. My Sundays are always out due to family dinners.  So for the next two weeks(at least) that I am supposed to be in court this is my goal.  Eat better and exercise 2 times a week.  It's by no means a perfect situation but for now this is where I need to start. 

Now on a separate topic, I have also set a new goal for myself in addition to my birthday and my sisters wedding.  My new goal is to be in health to pass the deputy sheriff exam in my area. I have always, since I was a little girl, wanted to be a cop and for some reason when I saw that job listing it hit me how much I want that still.  A friend of my recently took the physical to be a cop and so he filled me in on what I need to shoot for. Attached is a picture of my goal.  I can do this.  I have to do this.  I will do this.  I want to be someone who makes a difference and right now, even though I like my job, I'm not really making a difference. I didn't become a US citizen to be mediocre.  That's NOT acceptable.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day Eight, Start Over

So today is technically day eight but since I only worked out twice last week and had 5 days off, even though I lost 5 lbs, I'm not going to count it. 

Starting over strong with a healthy crock pot lunch.  Beef, barley, cauliflower, beans and a jalapeño thrown in there.  Yummy!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ummm yeah.....

So only 2 days really did I kick butt, apparently it helped though!  Down 5 lbs in one week!  Woot, woot!  :)  Imagine the possibilities with even more days! Ahhhhhh! Super excited and pumped! Renewed faith in my body!  Can't wait for this week!

Day Seven

Today is the last day of my first week of this new routine.  I definitely was not perfect but we will see if my stab at this proved helpful.  Today is my weigh in day at Weight Watchers.  The week before I lost when I really should have gained a couple lbs.  I hope that the efforts I put in this week will show up on the scale.  :)  I will keep you posted.  :)

Day Six

Yesterday I ended up sleeping most of the day, not good.  No exercise.  Oy.  I decided that I have to change my routine a bit to fit my life so that I can and will exercise.  This first week has definitely been a learning process.  Week 2 starts Wednesday and it will be better.  I refuse to give up. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day Five Wrap Up

Alright so I had all the best intentions for working out after work today, either with my sis to the DVD or by myself after she left.  My head started to pound though about an hour before she left and even with Excedrin (which normally does wonders for me) my head is still pounding.  Going on a couple hours now.  Ugh.  So I'm going to try to knock out and try again tomorrow.  Weekends may be harder then I anticipated, especially with the DVD and only one break day a week.  I'm going to have to figure this out though. I REFUSE to give up. I will be thinner by my bday, by A LOT!  I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I CAN!!!!  :)

Alright going to knock out and start fresh tomorrow. No excuse Monday!  ;)  Good night all!

Day Five!

Almost a week in, still doing pretty well.  Breakfast was healthy and dinner is in the crockpot.  Sundays are normally family dinner night? Just papa, my sis and I.  Making pork for dinner in the crockpot.  Going to be delicious!  :)

Breakfast is quick oats with banana.  Not going to lie, first try and not loving it, prefer oatmeal.  :)

Day Four

Yesterday was day 4 and I was supposed to do the DVD after work but forgot that I had a work event after, bowling with the coworkers.  So even though I didn't do the video it was an hour of sweating.  :)   

This was me trying a different approach, didn't work out much better then the regular way.  I did discover that I am AWFUL at bowling!  45 points in 10 frames!  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day Three....Delayed

OK, well yesterday was my rest day and I took advantage of it, I didn't even post!!!  EEEKKKK!  So here it is now.  Yesterday I didn't go to the gym I didn't do any videos, but I did still eat pretty well.
While I did have a bit of a slip with Subway(my name is Dorota and I am a Subway addict).  I did eat well the rest of the day.  I  find that with Subway I always say oh I will get a foot long and have half now and half later, it never really works that way.  Those toasted Oven Roasted Chicken Breast sandwiches are like crack for me, I can’t stop at half.  :(  This just makes me realize though, I have to change what I do.  I know I won’t eat just half, so I’m going to have to spend a little more and buy a 6 inch each time.
I will post again tonight about day 4.  :)

Day Two

8/15/2013 - 
Good morning all! Today was the day for the stability ball….except I forgot mine at work, so I modified the exercises I could by using an ottoman but that didn't work for all of them, sooooooo that means tonight after the gym when I get home I’m going to redo the video. I feel like I didn't get the full effect. Even though it did definitely kick my butt!
Getting up early was kinda nice because not only did I get my work out in but I also made breakfast and put together dinner in my mini crockpot. :)
Breakfast was amazing, similar to yesterday; egg whites, one whole egg, zucchini, green onion, lean ham and a jalapeño. It was yummy. :) 4 pts, not too shabby. :)
Tonight the plan was to go to the gym and then redo the Supreme 90 Day workout, but by the time I got done with work and the gym and got home I was way too tired and had to get ready for bed and eat. So I had some amazing crockpot pork with cauliflower and carrots and am going to knock out.
Good night all! 

First Day

8/14/2013 -

So far the day has started strong. Got up early and did the first day of the Supreme 90 Day. Today was Chest and Back day but I feel it everywhere! But I think I need to push myself more, I need to do more. So after work I am going to the gym for some cardio. Breakfast I had time to make but lacked time to eat yet so after I cooked it I put it into a coffee cup to eat on my way to work(could not find a Tupperware, so I improvised.) Breakfast consists of 2 egg whites, 1 egg, some zucchini, 2 slices of ham that I cut into it, a little bit of cheese, some Rooster Sauce and salt and pepper. YUMMMY! And only 5 pts!
Went to work and after I went to the gym. Really kicked my booty today. Tomorrow is another Supreme 90 Day and Friday is a rest day. I am sore and ready for bed.
Good night all!

Dinner 8/13/13


This was my dinner tonight. A little bit of ground beef, some cauliflower, zucchini and a jalapeño. It was a little plain(need to spice it up a bit more in the future) but all in all not too bad. Just discovered my crockpot the other day(a mini crockpot) and am starting to explore a whole new, simple, healthy world. :) 

A New Begining

I had a blog at a different site but that site was slow and malfunctioned a lot so I am changing to here.  I will copy the few posts from that site and post those here first and then continue on.  :)
8/14/2013 - 
I have been attempting to lose weight since really January 2012.  My mom passed away December 2011 and when we went to Poland to see family in January after her death, I realized how out of control my weight and health had gotten.  Poland was a wake up call.  I started to lose weight and the result is the comparison pic.  Not bad, but I’m still far away from my goal.  I am on Weight Watchers and when I follow it, it helps, but now it’s time to kick it up a notch.  I gave myself a goal and I figure what a better way to hit it then to share it with the world.
So here is the plan, I will still follow Weight Watchers but I also am going to start going to the gym(duh) but I am also starting the Supreme 90 work out, seems similar to P90X but I got it on eBay for a great price.  The red shirt pictures are what I look like now.  The goal I set for myself is to lose between 32 and 50 lbs between now and December 13th.  I am having my Dirty 30 birthday bash then(a cpl weeks early) and I don’t want to be the complete fatty, I want to have a decent body.  My next goal will be a size 8 or smaller by my sisters wedding in May 2014.
Sooooooooooo, let’s do this!