Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day Five Wrap Up

Alright so I had all the best intentions for working out after work today, either with my sis to the DVD or by myself after she left.  My head started to pound though about an hour before she left and even with Excedrin (which normally does wonders for me) my head is still pounding.  Going on a couple hours now.  Ugh.  So I'm going to try to knock out and try again tomorrow.  Weekends may be harder then I anticipated, especially with the DVD and only one break day a week.  I'm going to have to figure this out though. I REFUSE to give up. I will be thinner by my bday, by A LOT!  I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I CAN!!!!  :)

Alright going to knock out and start fresh tomorrow. No excuse Monday!  ;)  Good night all!

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