Saturday, August 17, 2013

A New Begining

I had a blog at a different site but that site was slow and malfunctioned a lot so I am changing to here.  I will copy the few posts from that site and post those here first and then continue on.  :)
8/14/2013 - 
I have been attempting to lose weight since really January 2012.  My mom passed away December 2011 and when we went to Poland to see family in January after her death, I realized how out of control my weight and health had gotten.  Poland was a wake up call.  I started to lose weight and the result is the comparison pic.  Not bad, but I’m still far away from my goal.  I am on Weight Watchers and when I follow it, it helps, but now it’s time to kick it up a notch.  I gave myself a goal and I figure what a better way to hit it then to share it with the world.
So here is the plan, I will still follow Weight Watchers but I also am going to start going to the gym(duh) but I am also starting the Supreme 90 work out, seems similar to P90X but I got it on eBay for a great price.  The red shirt pictures are what I look like now.  The goal I set for myself is to lose between 32 and 50 lbs between now and December 13th.  I am having my Dirty 30 birthday bash then(a cpl weeks early) and I don’t want to be the complete fatty, I want to have a decent body.  My next goal will be a size 8 or smaller by my sisters wedding in May 2014.
Sooooooooooo, let’s do this!

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