Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day Three....Delayed

OK, well yesterday was my rest day and I took advantage of it, I didn't even post!!!  EEEKKKK!  So here it is now.  Yesterday I didn't go to the gym I didn't do any videos, but I did still eat pretty well.
While I did have a bit of a slip with Subway(my name is Dorota and I am a Subway addict).  I did eat well the rest of the day.  I  find that with Subway I always say oh I will get a foot long and have half now and half later, it never really works that way.  Those toasted Oven Roasted Chicken Breast sandwiches are like crack for me, I can’t stop at half.  :(  This just makes me realize though, I have to change what I do.  I know I won’t eat just half, so I’m going to have to spend a little more and buy a 6 inch each time.
I will post again tonight about day 4.  :)

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