Friday, August 30, 2013

Butt Kicked

OWent to work and on the way home popped by the gym.  Butt kicking complete.  Felt sooooooo good!  I may be alone in this however I live the feeling of being tired and the sweat dripping down.  Makes me feel like I accomplished something a little extra.

I honestly didn't even realize how much I missed going to the gym until tonight when I made it back in and it felt so good.

I also noticed a significant improvement in my abilities.  Before, I'd do 10 minutes on the elliptical and is be pretty much done halfway through(sad, I know, but that's the truth).  Now 10 minutes and I'm done at 10 but halfway through I can keep going,   No problem.  :)

Also notice an improvement in my abs.  When I did a weighted crunch before I did 2 reps of 10 at 30 lbs, and really it was more like 4 reps of 5 because it hurt so bad.  Now I was able to do 4 reps of 10 with 30 lbs!  And while it wasn't easy peasy, I certainly didn't have to stop every 5!  Woot!  So excited!  Really making me feel like I can and will get in shape for the deputy sherif test and for my bday AND most importantly for my sisters wedding!  

Feeling buff and hot and like I can and will conquer the world!  Lol!  :)

P.S. - Let me add that while doing jury duty I am going to have to figure something out, this feeling is too awesome to not have it 5 days a week!  The gym is on my way home from work but very much out of my way when doing jury duty.  For those familiar with Washington state, I live in Graham (SE of Puyallup) and work in Redmond (super North), the gym is in Renton (half way between the two).  My friend lives now on my way from court heading home, AND she has an elliptical, a nice one, at her house, maybe I can convince her to let me come over and utilize it.  Hmmmmmmm..... Wheels in motion!  ;)

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