Friday, September 20, 2013

A Quick Thought

As I lay in bed tonight my brain is racing. Nothing really special, nothing really too important but it's not wanting to turn off.  

There's a chill in the air again tonight and I brought out my comforter to add to my fluffy blanket.  I love the feeling of a chill in the air and snuggling up with a blanket.  

Tonight I got in a pretty good workout.  Not exactly everything I wanted todo, but the gym closes early Fridays so I only had about an hour by the time I got down there after work.  I did kick my booty though.  I was driving home and felt something wet on my neck, I quickly realized it was my sweat from the workout.  Lol.  :)

At work we had a pizza and cupcake party for our training graduates.  That was hard.  I definitely went over my point allowance, but because I have been working hard I am ok with it.  :)  I indulged a bit.  

Fantastic news!  My ActiveLink decided to start working!  So excited!  For those not familiar with the ActiveLink, it's a fancy shmancy pedometer essentially.  It counts a wider range of movements and turns it into points.  What I love is that went you set it down with a little force it lights up to show your progress for the day.  It goes by 25%, up to 150%, today I maxed it out and went beyond! Over 160%!  Woot!  Love it.  

I am really looking forward to weighing in on Tuesday, getting back to my group of Weight Watchers people.  :) 

Tomorrow, willing I get off work on time I will be going to the gym of course.  I think I'm a bit addicted to the feeling.  I'm ok with it.  There are far worse things to be addicted to!  :)

I had to share this last tid bit as well.  I was looking through my new crockpots manual/cookbook.  It is funny the assembly instructions they put in there.  I mean I didn't think the first one was necessary, let alone the second one.  Check out this picture....
Scary right?!  What makes me sad is that there is probably a reason why they would put that in the manual.  Oh well.

Well ladies and gents, it is time to try to go to sleep again. 

Good night all!  :)

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