Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rough Start

Today I went to weigh in and am sad to report that I was up 1.2 lbs.  In all honesty I did borderline expect it. Yes, I worked out(but only twice), yes, I danced some calories off (but let's be honest it wasn't that much.)

I tried to go to the sport complex after court but found out that they don't have a track field.  Boooo!  I did ask my WW group on Facebook if anyone knew of a track field in my area and was pointed to one.   So tomorrow I'm going to call them, their website didn't have much info, and find out when they are open to the public.  

Tomorrow after court I am going over to my friends house and we are going to use her weights, her elliptical, my work out ball and tension band.  Going to be a good work out.  Thursday, Friday and Saturday I'm going to the gym after work.  

Did laundry so all my workout clothes are clean.  Packing a gym bag with a weeks worth of clothes and gym shoes, putting it in my trunk, this way I don't have the excuse "I forgot my gym clothes".  

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