Thursday, September 26, 2013


Today I was a little naughty with my food, HOWEVER not too awful.  We had a potluck at work as a going away for my supervisor and there was meaty, spicy cheese, some pin wheels, some sandwiches, pumpkin cake, and of course chips and dip.  The key to today was that I had a little bit of everything, but a fairly small amount.  It did leave me full until the end of the day amazingly.

I did of course go to the gym.  I'm not going to lie, I almost didn't.  All these stupid excuses circled in my mind.  "My ankles hurt", "I'm so tired, I got awful sleep again last night", "I don't feel too good", "there are new shows premiering on TV today".  I shook off those stupid excuses and I went.  I decided; yeah my ankles hurt, but I can do a low impact workout and my tennis shoes will provide support.  Yeah, I am super tired tonight, but honestly, lately, when am I not tired?  I seem to always have a bad nights sleep, so I really can't use that as an excuse, if I did I would never workout.  Plus in theory the more I workout the more energy I will have.  Not feeling good isn't that critical either.  Usually I feel better after a workout and not doing a workout will make me feel worse due to the guilt.  And last but certainly not least, the TV shows.  That is such a lame excuse.  A couple hours of TV and relaxing on my butt doing nothing is not going to get me where I want to be and what I want to do.  Sitting around helped get me this fat, I can't allow TV to become a reason to be fat and not get what I want.

So I went to the gym, did the elliptical, did a more intense ab workout and only stopped when I thought I was going to throw up.  A good workout indeed.  Hooked up my ActiveLink to the computer to check my progress for the day, make sure I didn't need to run stairs and discovered I worked off 3 points today.  Yup, kicking butt, taking names.  Kinda proud of myself.  Feeling good, relatively.

Well it's bed time.  Time to rest up for tomorrow.  Good night all!  :)

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