Thursday, September 19, 2013

Butt Kicked

I think my body is trying to tell me something, I think that something is REST!  Lol!  :)  Today I set my alarm for 6 to do the video and once again I don't even remember it going off!  After work however I kicked my booty!  

I had a cup of water, at least 16 oz if not more and I drank the whole thing while I worked out, normally, even on my harder days I drink maybe half.  On my way out I had to buy a bottle of water because I was still thirsty.  

Felt so good though.  Every time I work out I love that feeling of being worn out and feeling accomplished.  When I was in college I would go to the school gym between classes during my 2 hour break and I lost a bunch of weight.  Went from a 16/18 to a 12 petites.  Then somewhere along the line I stopped going.  It's amazing how quickly you forget not only the good but bad things, the pain or the feeling of success.  

I think it's somewhere along the line of what women go through after they have a baby.  Now given, I do not say this from personal experience as I do not have children, HOWEVER, it seems that for most women child birth is very painful, a lot of them to my understanding say they will never do it again, and then a year or so later, they are craving another baby.  They have forgotten the pain it seems.  Now again, not from personal experience so if I'm wrong I apologize!  :)  Anyway, my point is, the same thing happens with the good.  I feel awesome after a workout but if I skip a week because I'm sick or whatever the case may be, it is so hard to get back into that mind set.  I forget how good I feel after a hard workout and think about the short term good feeling of sitting my booty on the couch and resting.

This my friends I will not allow to happen this time around.  My work is doing flu shots and you better believe I already signed myself up. With the nasty stuff going around my office lately I can't wait for that day to come!  I hate being sick(duh, who enjoys it right?) but I can't afford to be sick if I want to be a size medium by mid December.  No rest for this girl.  :)

Like I said on Facebook earlier today, beast mode activated.  Pumped and ready to go.  :)  Alright all, have to get to bed.  Sleep well!   :)

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