Sunday, September 1, 2013

Great Night

I have had a great night tonight but at what expense?  I had 2 - 24 oz beers and more then a couple BBQ chicken legs, some pork, some watermelon, chips, dip and a couple other things that in this condition I do not currently remember.  Thank God for auto correct!  Lol!  Never thought I'd say that.  

Anyway it was a good night and I have to admit even if I did go over my points for today it was worth it. The food was amazing and so was the company. 

Last night I did look up the proper form for a sit up and a push up.  I don't want to give them a reason to fail me.

I also downloaded an app that measures your laps and how long they were and so forth. Pretty excited about this.  I hope it helps.  :)

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