Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weigh In Day!

This week I kicked my booty, I ate well and it definitely paid off a bit!  I am down 2.4 lbs!  I'm going to be honest though, even though 2.4 lbs in one week is very good, I was hoping for closer to 5 lbs like the first week!  I kicked my booty, I ate well and I expected more.  HOWEVER!  I realize that I didn't put this weight on in 1 week and so I realize I'm not going to take it off in 1 week.  One day, one week, one month, one year at a time.  It's all small steps that lead to the big picture. I do realize however that as soon as my jury duty ends I need to get

on a much more rigid and hard core schedule.  Back to the videos in the morning and the gym after work.  No excuses. 

I found the actual requirements online for Washington State Law Enforcement fitness.  They were pretty much right on from what my friend had told me.  Now that this has been double confirmed I definitely know what to shoot for.  Plus the other day, I don't remember if I mentioned this already or not, I walked a half mile on a treadmill, took me 10 minutes! Unacceptable!  I need to cut it down by a 2/3!  That's going to take a minute.  

But it will be so worth it!  I was looking at pictures today to send my grandma on an SD card back to Poland. Let me tell you, it was so hard looking at this pictures.  Realizing that for the last about 20 years of my life I have been unhealthy and fat.  I don't have any pictures where I'm not the fatty in the group. My friends are thin and hot and there I am a big pile of human.  I remember the days that I took those pictures I felt good.  I thought I looked awesome, looking back at those pictures was hard.  It's almost as though my eyes have been opened.  Have I really been in denial this long?  It's scary to think that I deluded myself so much.  I realize now that the image I had in my head was not accurate.  My brain thought I was thin, but my body knew better.  It tried to tell me, it tried to warn me, but I didn't listen.  I am listening now.  I am paying attention and I am making conscious decisions.  It's no longer, "oh who will know if I don't tell anyone".  My body will know, and you all will know.  I plan on being honest and a bit brutal on this blog, about myself anyway.  :)

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